Category Archives: Marriage

5 Things That Husband Should Not Do After Marriage

If marriage is the strongest relationship then it is also the most fragile. Sometimes, facing the biggest difficulties, the married couple lives their life happily, and sometimes even a small thing creates such a rift in this relationship which becomes impossible to fill. It is very important in maintaining the relationship that what you are […]

कुंडली मिलान इतना महत्वपूर्ण क्यों माना जाता है?

बहुत से लोग इस सरल तथ्य को नहीं समझते हैं कि कुंडली मिलान दूल्हा और दुल्हन के कर्मों का विश्लेषण करने के लिए किया जाता है और इसका उनके वैवाहिक जीवन पर स्थायी प्रभाव पड़ेगा। आइए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बिंदुओं पर चर्चा करते हैं जो कुंडली मिलन के पूर्ण महत्व को दर्शाते हैं: वर और वधू […]

होने वाली है इस वर्ष आपकी बेटी की शादी तो पढ़े यह विशेष उपाय

जैसे जैसे बेटी बड़ी और विवाह के लायक होने लगती वैसे- वैसे वो माता – पिता के चिंता का कारण बनने लगती है| माता – पिता अपनी बेटी के लिए सुयोग्य वर की तलाश मे लग और जुट जाते है और उनकी उनके बेटी के वर के तलाश की कोशिश बढ़ जाती है| सभी प्रयासों […]

Why Communication is Important in Marriage?

There are many couples who did not give importance to communication. They think that it is not the important part. But in reality, communication plays an important role in marriage or any other relationship. Couples think that daily banter or the lack of communication does not affect then on the day to day basis. Communication […]

How to convince your parents for love marriage in a different caste without hurting them?

It is quite clear and often seen that inter-caste marriage is not much more supported by society, culture, and religion. As a result, what possibly will be the probable cause and reason for this? Cultural and caste difference – The most common and vital reason for denying inter-caste marriage is because of caste and cultural […]

How to get Back Together After Separation?

Over some time of the marriage, there are most of the couples who often start to find out a solution to their marital issues. The reason behind it is that they cannot deal with the complication or they do not have a good and better understanding. This is the reason due to which they get […]