Category Archives: astrology

Do you want money, then follow these good habits

There are many ways to earn money, which is very popular. But there are many people who want a precise solution. Here are simple solutions. You can also adopt anyone at your convenience. You just follow it regularly. Causes of Money Crisis – Everyone wants that he has a lot of money because all the […]

What is importance of Devshayani Ekadashi?

Ekadashi date of Shukla Paksha of Ashada month is called ‘Vishnushayan’ or ‘Devshayani’ Ekadashi. This year, Devshayani Ekadashi is on 1 July 2020. ‘Devshayani’ Ekadashi means the commencement of God’s sleeping. ‘Chaturmas’ also starts with Devashayan. Along with Devashayan, there is a halt to magical themes like marriage, homeland, homeland, mundane. The beauty of our […]

How Halharini Amavasya brings happiness in life?

This year Halharini Amavasya is on 21 June, Sunday. In Hinduism, this Amavasya, which falls on the month of Ashadh, is considered very much. This day is considered very auspicious for the farmers. This day holds special significance for the farmers because by the time of this Amavasya falling in the month of Ashada, the […]

Second Lunar Eclipse 5 June 2020, Know the importance

This year, the second lunar eclipse in 2020 is going to take place on Friday 5 June. This lunar eclipse is very special in many ways because it has been considered as a shadow eclipse which will happen on the full moon of the first month. The Moon will be in Scorpio during the eclipse […]

चाहे कोई भी समस्या हो अपनाएं यह चमत्कारी टोटके

जीवन में ऐसा कई बार होता है जब समस्याएं होती है। इन समस्याओं में सेहत खराब होना, अशांति होना, धन की कमी, बिजनेस ठीक से न चलना, कार्य में बाधाएं आना आदि। इस सभी समस्याओं से बचने या इन्हें समाप्त करना चाहते हैं। आज के लेख में  हम आपको बताएगे कि  कौनसे आसान से टोटके […]

जानिए कैसा रहेगा आपका अप्रैल माह अपने मूलांक के हिसाब से

आज के लेख में हम आपको बताएगे कि अप्रैल 2020 का महीना आपके लिए कैसा रहेगा। तो देखिये कैसा रहेगा आपके मूलांक के हिसाब यह महीना आपके लिए। जिनका जन्मदिन 1, 10, 19 या 28 को आता है। तो उनका सुख सुविधाओं पर खर्चा होगा। घर परिवार और समाज में मान सम्मान बढ़ेगा। इस माह […]

होने वाली है इस वर्ष आपकी बेटी की शादी तो पढ़े यह विशेष उपाय

जैसे जैसे बेटी बड़ी और विवाह के लायक होने लगती वैसे- वैसे वो माता – पिता के चिंता का कारण बनने लगती है| माता – पिता अपनी बेटी के लिए सुयोग्य वर की तलाश मे लग और जुट जाते है और उनकी उनके बेटी के वर के तलाश की कोशिश बढ़ जाती है| सभी प्रयासों […]

First Lunar Eclipse of the year on 10 January

On January 10, 2020, the first lunar eclipse of the year appears. Some people are troubled to think whether the lunar eclipse will be hit by a thread or not. But let us tell you that the lunar eclipse will take place on January 10, which will be a shadow lunar eclipse. If we talk […]

Does your Zodiac Sign affect your Love Life?

The expert psychics tell to understand your partner with the help of the sun sign which is been done with the help of the birth date and timings. Therefore the astrology is the way that indicates that the individual sun sign portrays their core persona. It all shows how an individual’s strengths and weaknesses demonstrate […]